Monday, June 1, 2009

Verizon Family and Friends: By the Numbers

You could guess what your 10 most called are, or you could measure. Guess what I prefer. Find the "Download SpreadSheet" (sic) option on the Verizon site, and pipe it through some Python like this;

import csv, operator
calls = list(csv.DictReader(open('/home/kcarnold/Desktop/VoiceDetails.action'),
not_in = [c for c in calls if 'M2MAllow' not in c['Usage Type']]
minutes = {}
for call in not_in:
   number, mins = call['Number'], int(call['Minutes'])
   minutes.setdefault(number, 0)
   minutes[number] += mins
sorted(minutes.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))